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Feed Grass year round! Sprouted Barley Fodder.

LivingGreens INC A Revolution in Animal Feed!





Sprouted Barley Fodder –

A Revolution in Animal

Feed for everyone !


Fodder Feed
Regardless of the type of livestock you have or what their purpose is in life, every animal should have access to the best possible feed. By feeding from LivingGreens inc you will have control over the quality of feed provided to your animals. There are many types of seeds that can be sprouted for fodder. We have provided an overview on the most common seeds that are grown for hydroponic fodder.
Fodder is a more natural feed and is comparable to the forages the digestive systems of livestock and horses were designed to process. Due to its increased digestibility and the availability of nutrients, there is a wide range of benefits to feeding fodder over grains and concentrates. Not only will your animals be healthier and have a better quality of life, they will also be more productive and profitable. Benefits to all animals include:
Faster weaning and less stress on mothers and youngstock
 Less manure due to increased digestibility of fodder
 Boosted immune system - Increased longevity and lifespan - Earlier heat cycles -Improved fertility
 Stimulated appetite during heat stress - Better behavior and temperament
The benefits your livestock will receive from eating fodder don't stop there. Each species has its own unique benefits on top of the overall health benefits listed above.

Alfalfa Fodder Feed

Alfalfa is an important forage crop across the world. It is frequently used as hay, silage and grazing pasture. Its nutritional benefits are available in hydroponically grown fodder as well.


Alfalfa fodder seed


Alfalfa is a highly palatable legume that has been grown as livestock feed since the fourth century. It is valued for its high nutritional quality and is an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Hydroponically grown alfalfa fodder is more digestible than its field-grown, dried hay counterpart, increasing feed efficiency and reducing the need for concentrates.

Benefits of feeding alfalfa fodder:
 High in energy, calcium and other minerals
 Excellent source of amino acids
 As much as 18% protein
 Contains important vitamins B,C, D, E and K
 Highly digestible and palatable
 Improved conception rates and fertility
 Increased livestock longevity

Alfalfa is known as the queen of forage crops, and for good reason. It is the third most widely grown crop in the United States and it is among the highest in feed value.

As with any change in a livestock feed regimen, it is important to gradually transition to fodder. Introducing new feeds slowly reduces stress and the concern of digestive system diseases, such as colic or bloat.

It is widely believed that alfalfa was grown as a forage crop long before recorded history. The name alfalfa comes from the Arabic language and means "best fodder."

               Barley Fodder Feed
  Barley fodder seed

Barley is the most widely used seed in regards to hydroponic fodder production. Our trials have shown that whole, six-row barley yields the best results.

Benefits of feeding barley fodder
Feeding barley fodder offers these benefits to livestock:
 Reduced occurrence of digestive diseases, such as colic and bloat
 Stimulated immune system
 Naturally balanced with essential nutrients
 High in fiber, energy and protein
 Rich in enzymes
 Low acid content
 Highly digestible

In our seed trials, we used six-row barley. This is because two-row barley is not well suited for animal feed due to its lower protein content
                           Millet Fodder Feed
Millet fodder seed

Providing similar benefits as oats and barley, millet is a wonderful option for fodder production. Proso millet is most popularly utilized as cattle, sheep and swine feed.

Millet is a grass that is rich in B vitamins and high in fiber. It has been grown as a staple feed for thousands of years and is one of the world's most important cereal crops. Millet fodder sprouts are highly digestible and nutritious. They are high in minerals and essential amino acids. Millet is similar to corn and is low in protein compared to other feedstuffs. Millet is also fairly starchy. It is commonly mixed with other seeds, such as oat or barley, to provide a more complete ration.

                          Oat Fodder Feed

Oat fodder seed

Hydroponically grown oat fodder is a good source of carbohydrates that provide energy for domesticated animals. Typically fed as rolled grain or dried hay, sprouting oats will maximize the naturally available nutrients.

Oat is a cereal grain that is one of the most important sources of livestock and animal feed in the world. It is commonly fed to horses and ruminants due to its excellent nutritional qualities that aid with maintaining optimal rumen and hindgut function. Hydroponically grown oat fodder is high in fiber and low in starch, making it an easily digestible feed. Oat is also rich in nutrients and essential minerals and is one of the richest sources of protein compared to other feedstuffs.


Benefits of feeding millet fodder
Feeding millet fodder offers these advantages to livestock:
 Contains beneficial minerals, such as iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and calcium
 Rich in amino acids
 Full of B-complex vitamins

 High in fiberThere are dozens of species of millets grown worldwide. However, there are only five millets of commercial importance. These include proso, foxtail, barnyard, browntop and pearl. Millet is grown for a variety of purposes including livestock feed, beer making and as a human food source. The best millet for fodder production is proso millet.

Feeding millet to horses should be avoided. Millet contains a glucose called setarian. If a horse consumes feed with this glucose, it will cause serious kidney irritation and result in excessive urination.

Millet, like corn, is quite starchy. Because of this, millet should be used in combination with grains at no more than 50% of the total feed mix.

Benefits of feeding oat fodder
Feeding sprouted oat fodder is good for digestion and has many other benefits, including:
 Low in starch
 Good for rumen fermentation
 Rich source of protein
 High in fiber and essential minerals

In order to provide a more balanced ration, oat is typically blended with small grains.

Oat belongs to the Poaceae family, which is the most economically important plant family in the world. This family of true grasses is produced for everything from forages and building materials to food and fuel. The scientific classification for oat is Avena Sativa.

                        Red Wheat Fodder Feed
Red wheat fodder seed

Wheat is widely used as a livestock feed due to its natural protein and fiber levels. By sprouting wheat seed, you are increasing the ease and rate of starch digestion compared to traditional dry wheat feed.

Red Wheat
This cereal grain has garnered attention over the last couple of years as an alternative to feedstuffs with fluctuating prices that are used in livestock rations, such as corn. When grown hydroponically, red wheat fodder has many nutritional advantages. Of all the classes of wheat available in the United States, red wheat has the highest protein composition. It is also high in energy and the starches in wheat ferment quickly in ruminant digestion.

Benefits of feeding Red Wheat Fodder

Sprouted red wheat fodder has many benefits for livestock, including:
 High in protein
 Naturally present enzymes
 Lowered pH in rumen
 Good source of energy wheat ferment quickly in ruminant digestion.

Note: As with any change in a livestock feed regimen, it is important to gradually transition to red wheat fodder. When transitioning from a corn-based diet, it is especially important to make the change slowly and animals should be monitored during the transition.

                    Ryegrass Fodder Feed
Ryegrass fodder seed

Ryegrass pasture and hay are important grasses in livestock rations, so it makes a premium fodder option. By sprouting ryegrass seed, you are making the best use of the vitamins and minerals available within the seed, rather than pulling nutrients from the soil.


Feeding ryegrass fodder to livestock also offers these benefits:
 High in crude protein
 Protein and nutrients are highly digestible
 Feed value comparable to corn

Ryegrass is typically blended with crimson clover to provide the most complete ration to livestock.

Ryegrass should not be confused with rye. Rye is a cereal grain that is closely related to barley and wheat. It is grown for its grains and as forage.

                     Sorghum Fodder Feed
Sorghum fodder seed

Sorghum, also known as milo, is similar to corn in nutrient content, providing up to 90% of the nutritional benefits. With sprouted sorghum, rather than cracked or rolled, the feed is at its highest digestibility, allowing your livestock full access to available nutrients.

Benefits of feeding sorghum fodder

Sorghum fodder is highly palatable to livestock and including it in their feeding programs will provide these benefits:
 High in fat
 Nutritional value comparable to corn
 Rich in antioxidants

Sorghum is high in sugar, which is why it is so palatable to livestock.

Feed Grass year round!
Sprouted Barley Fodder – A Revolution in Animal Feed!


LivingGreens inc produce their own top-quality horse feed. Hydroponically grown fodder is sprouted grass or legumes that mimic fresh pasture, making it an ideal supplemental feed for natural grazers, like horses. Fodder is also highly digestible and packed with essential nutrients which will help keep horses, especially those with special dietary requirements, happy and healthy. Whether fodder is grown for supplemental feed or just a snack for horses, it will allow horse owners to gain control of their feed regimen and provide fresh, healthy feed year round.

Fodder Benefits
Feeding fodder to horses will have a dramatic effect on their health and performance, and the benefits are noticeable immediately. They are grazers by nature and providing fresh vegetation year round helps simulate their natural feeding process.

Supplying LivingGreens inc fodder as a supplemental feed each day will result in many benefits, including:
 Less recovery time required after hard work
 Reduced instance of colic, ulcers and inflammation
 Earlier and more consistent heat cycles
 Improved hoof health
 Improved behavior and temperament
 Higher energy levels
 Improved coat gloss and appearance

Types of Feed
Cereal Grains
Legumes, such as alfalfa, have been fed to horses for centuries as dried hay. Legumes are high in protein, energy, calcium and other minerals. Fresh fodder sprouts are more digestible than hay and the nutrients are more readily available.
Alfalfa Clover

 Feed Recommendations*
Customer: Samuel, Michigan - Horse farm - Standardbred horses
Ration: 14 lbs. to 16 lbs. oat fodder  3 lbs. to 5 lbs. alfalfa hay
 "The health benefits really shocked me. I didn't expect to see such drastic improvements. The horses also really like the fodder. I haven't had a horse yet that wouldn't eat it. My horses will turn away from second cutting alfalfa hay to go eat the fodder."

Types of Feed
Legumes - Grasses - Cereal Grains

such as alfalfa, have been fed to horses for centuries as dried hay. Legumes are high in protein, energy, calcium and other minerals. Fresh fodder sprouts are more digestible than hay and the nutrients are more readily available.
Alfalfa - Clover

Another popular source of hay, grasses such as brome, fescue and timothy are a good choice for fodder. They are high in essential nutrients. Fresh, grass fodder sprouts are also high in fat and low in fiber, making them an excellent source of energy.
Brome Fescue Timothy

Cereal Grains
Naturally balanced in protein, energy and fiber, these sprouts are an excellent feed for horses. These sprouts are high in fiber, making them ideal as a supplement to hay. Grains are a good source of energy and contain 95% of the energy of corn. Grain fodder also has a low acid content compared to dried grains and concentrates, reducing the risk of ulcers and stomach upset.

Barley Oats Triticale Red Wheat